Blaze, Hannah & Baby Belle Star
We were contacted by Laura Leigh from Wild Horse Education at the end of 2018 right after the Fish Creek roundup. There was a very special family of wild horses who she had known for years and desperately wanted to keep them together and safe. We worked together to get their tag numbers and asked the BLM to adopt them as a family. They said yes to our taking six of them and we just needed to get our paperwork in. Right at that time the whole twins adoption was announced and it was followed by the most disgusting onslaught of negativity from certain groups and people. It is unbelievable the insanity and hostility that was stirred up about our adopting that family and the ridiculous lies that were told sadly had us spending all our time addressing that. Sadly two weeks went by before we sent our paperwork in and in that time for some strange reason the horses were all shipped to various facilities around the west, including his two lead mares being sent to Long Term Holding in Nebraska.
Blaze, the patriarch of the family, was sorted in a pen ready to ship to Long Term Holding also but a wrangler agreed to sort him for us and in January we went to get him and bring him home to Skydog. We asked for help finding the others and were able to locate one mare in Idaho who belonged to Blaze. We applied to adopt her and both Blaze and Hannah were sold to us for $25 each Sale Authority.
Blaze the best daddy in the world - his face still injured from the corrals
We reunited Blaze and his mare Hannah and it was spectacular with Blaze crashing through the woods to reach his love. A couple of months later we welcomed the last foal of these two beautiful horses as Hannah had been pregnant on the range before they were rounded up. Baby Belle Star is the perfect blend of her mother and father, a gorgeous buckskin baby with a star on her forehead. She gets to grow up with her parents at her side teaching her how to be a wild horse and in the spring they will all go out on hundreds of acres to enjoy being wild again.
Blaze, Hannah, and their beautiful baby Belle Star together forever.
This photo taken by Laura Leigh from Wild Horse Education at the BLM corrals shows how broken and defeated Blaze was - thankfully we got him out xxx
We have no idea why the BLM and supporters of them have such anger at reuniting families that they claim don’t exist. They truly want to believe these horses have no feelings or emotions or bonds, they they are livestock with no other value than being a tool for a human to use as they choose. They resent the fact that over and over, time and again we prove the opposite - that for these wild horses family is everything and here at Skydog we shall keep reuniting and bringing families back together even though the BLM work so hard to prevent us doing that. Blaze, Hannah and Belle Star are just one of many families now living happily and together forever with us.