Ban Zebra Hunting
What Is Canned Zebra Hunting?
In nearly half the states in the US, such as Texas and Florida, it is legal to kill exotic animals and sometimes even endangered species as there are no policies that restrict or ban canned hunting. Canned Zebra Hunting is the killing of captive-bred zebras while they are trapped in small enclosures. After being bred and raised the zebras are released into enclosures that are large enough for them to roam around, and small enough for it to be easy for a an amateur “hunter” to find and kill them for a lofty price tag (thousands of dollars). There is no concept of “fair chase” as these animals have been raised by (some bottle-fed), and are therefore desensitized to humans. Often times the animals are feeding, or tied to a post, when they are brutally shot and killed; brutally because oftentimes the hunter is not skilled at shooting to kill so the animals suffer through their final moments.
About Ziggy Stardust and Zephyr the baby zebras
Ziggy was rescued by Skydog Ranch from a kill pen auction at six weeks old, after his mother fell victim to canned zebra hunting. Oftentimes female zebras are bred first so that their babies can be taken away from their mother’s at a young age, and bottle fed by humans in an attempt to bond with humans, and so that their mother can then be killed. Ziggy is our bright and strong mascot to raise awareness for this horrible practice! We have already had many celebrities come to Skydog to meet Ziggy and raise awareness against this brutal practice including Matthew Rhys, Rachel Hunter and Landon Clements.
Zephyr was rescued a few months later when we realized Ziggy would need a friend his species. They are so bonded now and Zephyr was found in a kill pen in Texas where he was about to be sold back to a canned hunt ranch or shipped to slaughter. He was injured from kicking at panels and gates, his face was bloodied and wounded from his halter being too tight for his growing face and he was traumatized to the point he wants nothing to do with humans now. Next spring both Zebras will be turned out on to spacious land with a herd of mustangs to live free and wild.
How Can I help Ban Zebra Hunting?
Please CLICK HERE to sign our petition to BAN ZEBRA HUNTING IN THE USA!!
Please also share on social media and tell everyone you know to raise awareness about canned hunting!
Ziggy Stardust
“Thank you for helping me honor my mom’s memory by speaking up against canned hunting and signing this petition!” <3